Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Theme of Twenty-Thirteen

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! It's been a while since I've visited my little blog world.

I started 2013 with such anticipation that something great is coming. I don't know what it is, or in what form it will come, but I just know great things are getting ready to happen.

Maybe it's because we are seeing new opportunities with our business.

Maybe it's because I'm determined to cross some items off my bucket list! (The ones I'm able to cross participating in a 5k! Not the huge traveling to Norway. Ha - that'll come much later!)

Every year I try to choose a word of the year. Last year I struggled, and I can't honestly say what word I decided on. This year, I barely had to think about it because I knew what I wanted the theme of 2013 to be:


It's a tough word to swallow sometimes, because discipline isn't always fun. In fact, I would dare say most of the time it isn't fun. But I believe being disciplined is a Biblical principal, and definitely one that I need to work on. Between balancing a full-time job, being a good wife/housekeeper/cook, and managing a small business, my time management skills get quite the workout. I'm tired of feeling like one of those things is always slipping, so it's time to instill some old fashioned discipline in my routine!

I did great the first week of the year, then got sick and had a huge work event and fell apart. But instead of throwing my hands up and saying "forget it" like I normally would, I'm getting back on track tomorrow!

What about you? If you were to pick a "word of the year" what would it be for 2013?


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